branding, website



Give a dog a home



project overview

DYR is an association of animal shelters. Millions of animals are currently in shelters and foster homes awaiting adoption. They partner with shelters all over the country to raise awareness and foster the discoverability of pets waiting for a home. Design an experience that will help connect people looking for a new pet with the right companion for them. Help adopters find a pet that matches their lifestyle, considering factors including breed, gender, age, size, care, and behavior.


Research began by understanding the current support and challenges with the pet adoption/fostering process. The process is complex and time-consuming. Getting the right pet based on personal lifestyle and breed choice can be daunting.


  • Understand how people get the required information to adopt pets
  • Provide easy-to-use core search functionality to find the right pet
  • Educate users to find pets that match their lifestyle
  • Simplify the process of pet adopting
  • Understand the method involved in volunteering and fostering pets
  • Determine if the features are relevant to services offered
  • Identify the pain points of the users while adopting pets and the service they are looking for

Many websites provide a limited list of services online. These sites work in siloes and do not provide a one-stop shop for adoption or fostering needs. Reviewing top trending competitors based on Google Search and additionally conducting a competitive analysis of similar services based on further information discovered.


User Interviews

Pets are regularly rescued and adopted in your neighborhood. People who want to adopt pets may have questions that need extensive research, planning, and preparation. The process can be time-consuming and stressful. All information in a centralized location can help users decide which pets to adopt.

Focus Group

Collect data from users who love pets or like to rescue pets. They can be first-time pet owners or existing parents or family members of a pet. Review current websites for information about pets to adopt, rescue and train. The participants may also include those who like to know and learn about pets.


The survey will be a collective analysis of different pet adoption websites and the features given. Based on pet lovers and users who adopt pets, it will be great to collect information about their adoption process. Secondary research can support further analysis for evaluating the user criteria and experience.


  • People who love pets and or have pets
  • People who prefer to give shelter pets and volunteer
  • People who do regular animal rescues
  • People who want to adopt pets and look for information
  • People who want more information about how to take care of pets and follow steps for adoption
  • People who want information regarding pre and post-adoption of pets


  • Does the current website give enough information about the pet?
  • How do they find pets that fit into their lifestyle/daily routine?
  • Is the process of adoption or rescue easy for any user?
  • Do they provide information about the previous owners?
  • What steps are to be taken to manage pets post-adoption?
  • Is there a waitlist to adopt a pet of a specific breed, size, or age?
  • Can the pets be adopted for a short period?

Competitors Research

The secondary research is based on the competitive brands that include pet shelters, rescue and adoption/foster services, capability, technology, overall success, feasibility, reading articles relevant to the industry, and comparing features between the leading platforms as well as services rendered.

  • Petfinder filters your search query based on the city, state, dogs, cats, rabbits, Horses, birds, fishes, barnyards, and small & furry.
  • The website gives more options like care for the pet, adopt a pet, shelter & rescue, and help pets and these are very useful for every user, especially for a new pet adopter.
  • The Petfinder has an interactive quiz that asks questions and bread preferences to guide the user towards the right match that they are looking for.
  • The site allows users to sign up for the latest updates on pet adoption and pet care.

The Petfinder site is updated continuously giving a wide range of animals available based on a variety of characteristics. They also do rescues and have shelters all over the USA, listing an incredible number of pets for adoption.


As the animals currently available are in various shelters and rescues the terms of adoption will vary from pet to pet including the fees.

  • Adopt a pet allows shelters and rescues to provide users with a search based on current location, age, and breed.
  • They have a wide range of pets including dogs, cats, rabbits, birds, horses, small animals, reptiles, amphibians, fish, and farm-type animals.
  • The website helps the user with basic care and tips to take care of their pets
  • Adoption requirements vary based on the organization and location.

The web interface is simple and easy to navigate the site. When the user selects a particular pet it shows the steps involved to adopt with the price and other information clearly about the pet.

Even though few pets have the price, not every pet has detailed information and it varies from every place and adoption process.
  • ASPCA services are currently available in New York City, Los Angeles, Miami, and Asheville.
  • The ASPCA shelter allows the user to search for their desired pets based on age, sex, and size
  • The selected pet information have related details and price for adoption.
  • They raise funds for pets for their safety and to save lives.
  • They conduct social events to bring awareness about pets and put stop to animal cruelty.

ASPCA is a leading organization in pet welfare by supporting and bringing awareness to save pets’ lives and safety. While selecting a particular pet the user has clear information and details for them to decide on adoption.


As ASPCA is a leading company that is only available in a few locations. The range of adoption is limited with ASPCA.


Drawing from the research created a user persona encompassing everything that was heard from real users in interviews and survey responses. Referring to this persona during the design process can help to stay focused on user goals not limited to adoption or fostering needs along with add-on services.

Participants: 3
Interview Duration: 30 – 45 mins
Goal: To learn and understand how asthma affects day to day lifestyle

Research Debrief


Participant 1

Gender: Female 

Age: 33

Occupation: Home maker

Participant 2

Gender: Female 

Age: 29 

Occupation: Marketer, Adv.

Participant 3

Gender: Male 

Age: 35

Occupation: Tech

About pet

Have a 3 month old pug, 1 year old corgi. Encouraged friends to adopt a pet as well

Have a 6 weeks old poodle. Still learning about the pet and its habbits

Had a couple of different breeds of foster dogs - 2 yrs old husky, 3yrs old golden retriever, 6 months old chihuahua. Now have two 16 months old collie

Knowledge about pet food

Have enough knowledge to take care of their pets

Still learning the dietary needs of their pet

Very knowledgeable as they foster multiple pets

Pet Training

Pets are trained by professsional trainers. Previously completed puppy training last year

Exploring the behavior modification training

Pets are regularly trained by professionals every 6 months

Vet Visits

Go to nearby vet clinic based on wellness routine

Visits vet for wellness care, but not for dental care yet

Visited vet for health diagnosis. Consults family friend who is a vet during emergencies

Pet's daily routine

Routine includes nutritional meals, physical activities such as walking, potty break and occasional visit to dog park

Healthy vegetarian meals and medications, twice a day potty break and walking

Apart from healthy meals and 2 mile run daily, pets also visit once a week to dog park for 3 hours

Pets' health measures

Weekly showers, Flea and tick prevention

Preventive healthcare measures and weight management

Pet hygiene, check for flea, ticks and other pests 

Smart tags or other devices

Using smartag to monitor pets' activity track location

Bought a few toys, food feeder but haven't configured it yet

Using camera and smart feeder to take care of pet when away from home

Pet sitting or Day care

Tried pet day care a few times. Attended pet birthday parties twice before at pet hotel

Started using pet sitter and dog walker when busy with work and family events

Haven't used pet services but willing to try

Research Insights

  • All participants shared the ways they adopted their current pets
  • All of them are aware of the food and medical needs of their pets
  • Having a pet helps them to have an active lifestyle
  • Understanding their lifestyle, everyone has taken the responsibility for their pets
  • They use dog tags and food feeders which is very helpful when they are away from home
  • Each one of them can fulfill the pet’s daily routine
    They take their pets for regular checkups and keep up to date with vaccinations
  • One of the participants is fostering pets which is very helpful with her lifestyle
  • Having pets reduce their stress and provide emotional support
  • During long travels, they require a pet sitter
  • Sometimes they ask for help from friends and family for the caretaking of their pets
  • When pets fall sick it’s difficult to see what they go through
  • Pet technology like video cam, food feeders, and dog smart tags are extremely useful

Persona Bio

Based on the empathy research, here is the featured persona’s bio from the user interview.

Empathy Map

This empathy map showcases the feelings and thoughts of our featured persona.

Feature Roadmap

Must Have
  • Profile/Personal Information
  • Breed Information
  • Search
  • Information about pets
  • Add pets information
  • Support
  • Tips and care
Nice to have
  • Pets videos
  • Nutrition
  • Technology
Surprising and delightful
  • Testimonial
  • Upcoming Event
Can come later
  • Subscription

Site Map

According to our featured persona and empathy map, the blueprint of Petopia’s website navigation is validated to find an ideal pet for adoption/fostering. 

Interaction Design

Based on the site map and persona the Task Flow, User Flow and Product Requirements were built as the guideline for future design.

Task Flow

A user journey to search, review pets available for adoption, confirm all the details and finalize adoption date. 

User Flow

Steps to find pets available for adoption based on search filters and continue with the adoption process. 


To proceed with the UI design a comprehensive UI kit was created for the website, including typography, color palette, icons, button styles, and design patterns. A high-fidelity design of the wireframes in Adobe Figma was designed with a logo, relevant graphics, icons, and text.

Responsive Wireframe

Once I began sketching various styles, I narrowed it down to these digitized wireframes for desktop and mobile versions of the web pages.

High Fidelity Prototype

Once the initial wireframes were finalized, I worked on multiple iterations based on sizing, proportions, and visual hierarchy for a responsive design. I kept user experience in mind to design an eye-catching interface.

Search a pet
Pet Details
Add a pet profile (admin)


Once the prototype was created, the next step was to perform user testing to validate if the new website design made sense to users. Further witnessed if users can complete various tasks on the website without any issues.

Usability Test

The participants are those who love pets or like to own/adopt/foster pets. These may also include regular animal rescues. 

Test Objectives

Ensure all the features make sense to the participants and are simple to use. The users must complete the required tasks without facing confusion or frustration during the process. Validate the information on pet details page is enough for pet adoption.

Test Subject

High-fidelity website prototype from the home page to search for a favorite pet for adoption or foster. Allow admin to add specific pet information to their website. Detailed information about the process of adoption/foster including age, breed, fur length etc. 

Test Methodology

Setup a one-on-one user testing session by allowing participants to navigate on their own going through tasks using the website prototype and study the usability testing through a virtual or in-person meeting at a convenient time for the participants for testing.

Test Goals:

The goal is to understand the main functionality of Petopia, features like searching for a pet based on breed, color, age, gender, etc. Observe if the user is clear or confused while performing the tasks. Record any frustration with the flow while navigating through the features.

Task completion rate


Task error-free rate


Tasks Completed

Search a pet
Review pet information
Proceed with adoption
Add a pet profile as an admin

Affinity Map

Key Findings


Participants are curious yet excited about adopting or fostering a new pet. They were pleased to see all required information about the pet. They were able to filter down to an ideal pet based on various search filters available to them. The ability to add a pet profile as admin makes it easy to manage the availability of pets quickly.


The website is user friendly. The overall branding including colors are unique and cool. The complex adoption process is illustrated well and simplified to avoid intimidation. Search filters are very useful when finding pet availability. The list of services rendered by Petopia is impressive and important for those planning to own a pet.


Participants were interested to sign-up for updates and events. They were also interested to share pet information with their family and friends. The breed name of pets was missing in pet cards on the home page. A few participants were interested to get recommendation of toys, food, smart devices based on pet breed and age. 

Priority Revision

Based on the key findings, users were interested to learn more about food, toys and smart technology recommendations inline with their pet search journey for adoption. 


Next Steps

With each new design iteration, it is necessary to test the design with users again. The next process of design will add few more pages based the usability testing. Features such as: Breed details to each pet card in home page. Share a particular pet information. Enhance the option of search a pet based on filters. Add more details about the services provided. Add Newsletter subscription option for users to be up-to-date.

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